The last day or so had a fair amount of diversity, I just want to share a few photos and tidbits. The first is the latest on the edge of my roof yesterday morning:
Then I took myself skiing, first of which was to take the subway to the southern end of the line, at which point I took this photo of an ad on the car. It made me think of Bill Murray in "Lost in Translation" -- this is an ad for Suntory beer, rather than Suntory whiskey:
Then I took the 102 bus to the end of the line, I didn't get any photos out the window, but views included 1) a giant quarry, 2) a giant, golden, reclining Buddha [the size of a building], 3) the outdoor sculpture, art park, and 4) the cemetery on the hill that has scale replicas of Easter island heads, a whole line of them; Stonehenge; and a giant Buddha head.
I got off at Takino ski area, mostly families doing low-relief downhill skiing and sledding:
I had an adventure renting cross-country equipment [mostly lost in translation; and/but especially they wanted a cell phone number...], then I headed out, thinking I might try skiing 16 km [10 miles]:
Also on my way to and from the subway is the big store, where I do most of my shopping and where I picked up a few kitchen items. Already the day before I had purchased some Suntory whiskey, of which, after a bath and some supper, I had a glass. I went to bed early so I could get up and watch the Packers beat the Bears. I don't have any pictures of that, except in my head.
After I paid my rent, I came in to the office, and the rest of the day has been pretty regular. Except in this case, regular does not include snow.
can you go back and get a picture of Stonehenge?
ReplyDeleteOh, it's definitively in my plans for things to do before end of March! Sunday I tried to scope out where the bus stop was, I'm not sure, but there was a big open gate along the road, so I figure I can walk from a bus stop on either side. You should see the Easter Island heads! There's a huge long line of them!
ReplyDeleteI've been in Taiwan For a long time and for years have been telling students here that before the Indonesian Tsunami Taiwan was known as the largest (deadliest?) tsunami in Asia. But I seldom come across anyone here who has heard of it. Could you direct me to source material telling of this event?
ReplyDeleteNo--Indonesia and Japan have many more large and deadly tsunamis in their historical records, I can find none for Taiwan. Deadly earthquakes, but mainland China has some earthquakes with total deaths in the hundreds of thousands. I never heard of a (large) tsunami on Taiwan, but let me know if you find something.
ReplyDeleteWow, I also love traveling, which is why I keep exploring new places. Because of this, I often end up missing my online classes. So, I pay someone to do my online Law class, and it really benefited me.